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Death by Concrete, Gutted

I'm still focusing on the relationship between humankind and nature; the urban sprawl that creeps ever outwards like an alien slime, I'm imagining a monochrome future where grass can only exist between the cracks... As a material to work with, concrete is surprisingly useable, wrapped in cellophane it can be bound with string around a birch stick, the bulging sacks taking on a delicate skin-like surface. It can entomb an ash and birch faggot, preserving the sticks in a process of petrification that casts a greyness over the work.

The over-all effect is bleak but the green shoots appearing in my pots should continue to thrive. The lemon pips planted in October have finally sprouted; The pear tree stick has rooted and has a bud. Nothing is happening to the date stones, apple pips and plum stones.

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